I may look calm outside,but not.

I guess feelings are unexplainable.

There are people tried very hard to make you trusting them but you yourself, for no specific reason, just don’t. It’s like an innate animal instinct that respond naturally.

Yet, there are people do literally nothing and you and your little self, for an unexplainable reason, you feel calm and safe with them nearby.  Letting your inborn intuition, starting to open your fragile heart bits by bits. They may not understand how you feel but they know every single intentions of you, they just unexplainably knew . For the first time, you were replaced. You were the one who used to play this role, to see through every honest underlying reasons of human act, the darkest and wickedest side especially.

at the galaxies that exist on the pin point of a human mind.

Now, your role shifts to the leading one of this play of your life. You are no longer sitting behind the scene anymore. The extremely complicated mixture of excitement, anxiety, curiousness and being astonished makes you feeling like a stranger about your own self.
I guess that’s how a relationship starts forming, building and solidifying – you knew more about yourself, including the side you always tried to escape from and face to. Once in a life time, you starting to accept yourself. Self- acceptance goes along with love, loving yourself. By loving yourself, your pessimism and negativity were all gone. You even noticed the transformation of your inner self, for better or for worse, for the very first time, you feel greatly great about that. 
And the process of self accepting and loving begins. 

Living life, not to survive.

I want what she's wearing ,too...